Pastor's Letter August 2011

Dear Friends
“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families,
he leads forth the prisoners with singing..”
                                                                Psalm 68:5,6
These verses, written thousands of years ago, so accurately describe the needs of our society today:
The fatherless: - More than ever before we see a “fatherless” generation, growing up with no strong father role model.  So many people are growing up desperately needing the love, the acceptance, the discipline and the affirmation of a good father.
The widows:-  At the time the psalms were written these were women who were left without anyone to look after them or defend them.  Around us today we see many men, women and children who are neglected, abandoned and exploited.
The lonely: -  So many today are desperate to be loved and to be known and accepted, believing that nobody really understands them, their problems, their situation.
The prisoners: -  Those who are held captive by addictions, by circumstances and relationships, by their past, by the things that have been spoken over them by others and by themselves.
As I read these verses I am struck again that all these people need a saviour - they need a perfect father, a defender, a redeemer, one who will set them free and lead them out with singing.  And they need a family.   As I consider who we are, and what we have in Christ, I give thanks to God who has saved us and placed us within the Liberty Church family, and I am reminded of our responsibility as the people of God to lead and point those around us to the God who can save them, and to be a loving family to them, providing a place of acceptance where they can be set free and be led forth with singing.
I look forward to a new season as part of Liberty Church bringing hope to those around us through the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Love and Blessings

Jon Farrimond, 05/08/2011