Letter from Jon, October 2017
Dear Friends
As we have begun our journey together through Luke’s Gospel on Sunday mornings I have really appreciated people coming to me and sharing their own excitement and learning as they have met with Life Groups and begun to study Luke together. There is a richness and unity to the Bible which we so often miss when we just read short passages, and I believe that it is truly God’s Word to us, and a place where God reveals his character, his love for us and his relationship with us all. It is a book to guide and instruct and to lead us always to Jesus.
At the beginning of September, Fiona and I began part time theology studies to deepen our knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. This involves attending lectures each Thursday morning in Edinburgh and then joining the lectures on Friday from the comfort of home by the wonders of live streaming technology.
To be honest, when we look at the busyness of life at the moment with Church and family commitments, it seems a struggle to fit in more study – particularly when we got our first written assessment before we had even had a lecture!! We are loving learning new things about God and about his Word to us which are increasing our understanding and our hunger to learn more.
Our last written assignment for college was on God’s covenant relationship with his people. One of the elements we focused on was the theme that runs right through God’s Word of his relationship with us, his people, summed up in the words of Jeremiah (31:33): ‘I will be their God, and they will be my people’. We are God’s people and he is present with us in every situation. His desire is to lead us always into a richer and deeper relationship with him and he has given us his written Word as an expression of his incredible love for us. Let me encourage you to go deeper as we explore God’s Word together. There is so much more for all of us.
Much love and blessing
Jon Farrimond, 01/10/2017