Letter from Jon, July 2019 

 Dear Church Family
As we move ever nearer to our new home it was a joy and a huge encouragement to have such a great work party last Saturday. 20 people of all ages, abilities and strengths coming together to move, clear, clean, sand, paint, cement, wire etc.!. When Fiona and I came into the building before the team arrived I was struck just how much needed to be done during the morning to prepare for flooring contractors coming in at the start of the week, but as the team got to work with a clear purpose and direction, I was amazed at how quickly all the tasks got done.  It was wonderful to see people working together in teams, chatting and laughing, sharing life as they worked, sitting together at the coffee and fabulous home baking break. 
For me it was a perfect illustration of what church should be; a body of people working together with clear purpose and unity.  It was also an example of how much can be achieved when we come together; what a powerful force the church can be.  A couple of weeks ago April Astill shared a prophetic picture with me of a herd of wild horses galloping together.  If you have ever seen such a sight, either in real life or on film, you will know how powerful that picture is; the noise, the speed, the energy.  A united group running together with common directon – not something you want to get in the way of!  I believe this is a picture for Liberty Church as we move forward.  Just like our team on Saturday morning, when we come together with common vision to see God’s name glorified, his church built up and the hope of the Good News of Jesus Christ impacting our city, we will see great things in our lifetime, and things we might not think possible become possible with our God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.
As we move into, what is for many, a period of rest over the Summer, I pray that God would richly bless you, refreshing you and filling you afresh with his Spirit, that we might run together to see God’s Kingom come and his will done in our midst.
Love and Blessings


Jon Farrimond, 02/07/2019