Letter from Jon, January 2020 


Real People; Real God; Real Lives
Dear Liberty Family
At the beginning of this new year I am reminded of the verse way back in the book of Leviticus (26:12):
I will walk among you and be your God,
And you will be my people.
As I reflect back on 2019 I know that for us, the Liberty family, there have been great joys and blessings (not least moving into our new home together), and also great sorrows.  I have seen those I love, family and friends, suffer loss and pain, and it struck me that our faith in God and hope in the Gospel does not remove us from the reality of life with all its highs and lows.  We are real people living real lives, just like everyone else around us.  The difference is that we know the reality of God walking with us; walking among us, and that changes everything.
At the end of last year we explored the DNA of Liberty Church together, and one of the key building blocks of that DNA we talked about was ‘vulnerability’; being real with each other that together, as a community of God’s people, in the presence of God himself, we might find strength and healing and transformation.  I believe, as we move into the ’20’s’, that this vulnerability will be key to us growing together and seeing others come to faith.  It is in the reality of our day to day life, as God walks among us, that we will find hope and transformation, and that we will bring hope to those around us.
My prayer for you and for those you love is that this year you would know the reality of God’s presence in every aspect of your life, strengthening, guiding and transforming by the power of his Holy Spirit.  Happy New Year and may it be a year of blessing and abundance for you and your family. 
Much love


Jon Farrimond, 01/01/2020