Letter from Jon, October 2019 

 “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve….But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15

Dear Liberty Family
Well, we have done it – we have finally ‘crossed over’! Praise the Lord!  We are in our beautiful new home.  There may still be a lot of work to do but we are in.  It was such a joy to meet together for the first time in Liberty Centre.  There was such a sense of togetherness, joy and excitement as we gathered.  The sound of worship was immense; one body, one family, powerfully declaring the greatness of God in song.  And then, to follow that the next week, the baptism of Denise and Natasha in a powerful and moving celebration of new life and hope.
On that first Sunday I completed our short series on Joshua with a message called “Choose”.  We are in our new home and I know that great blessings will come to a people who choose to follow the Lord; choose to trust him and to live in obedience to his word.  This is the beginning of something new for Liberty Church; more than just a new season but a new era with new opportunities to worship, to grow and to serve together. 
The words of Joshua to the people of God were a challenge and an invitation and at the end of the meeting I invited us to pray words of commitment together at the beginning of this new era, to commit ourselves to choosing God and following him.  As a reminder and for anyone who missed that meeting, here are those words again:
Father.  You have loved us faithfully and brought us to this place; to a new home and a new beginning.  Today, in this place, I choose to follow you.  I commit myself to love and serve you, to love and serve Liberty Church and to love and serve those around me.  Lord, let your Kingdom come, let your will be done in my life, in this church and in this land, as it is in heaven. Amen
Great blessings await the Liberty Family

Jon Farrimond, 01/10/2019