Letter from Jon, December 2019
Dear Liberty Family
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given
Isaiah 9:6
Well, it is now December and we can officially mention CHRISTMAS. Today is the first Sunday of Advent, anticipating the arrival of our Saviour. I always get irrationally excited about Christmas, but this year we are taking it to a whole new level with our first Christmas in our new home. It has been so wonderful worshipping together these last weeks in our new home. There is a powerful sense of unity in our sung worship which we never seemed to experience in Queen Anne. It feels like we are truly worshipping as part of a community; one people with one purpose: to exalt the name of Jesus.
We have so many opportunities this month to gather in celebration and worship, to sing well know Christmas carols and songs of worship. I cannot wait to do this in our own home, and I cannot wait to invite those we know and love to join us. In a year where, as a country it seems that there is so much uncertainty, I believe that people are hungry for something solid, something familiar and comforting. We have the opportunity this Christmas to invite people to meet the God who is unchanging, who is the Prince of Peace in a conflicted world.
Let me encourage us all, where possible, to engage in the preparation and events planned through this month, both for our own joy and for those around us who have yet to experience the Good News of Jesus Christ. I pray that this would be a truly blessed Christmas season for you, for your family and for the growing Liberty family.
Much love
Jon Farrimond, 01/12/2019