Letter from Jon, July 23 

Come all you weary, come all you thirsty
Come to the well that never runs dry
Drink of the water
Come and thirst no more
(God so Loved - We the Kingdom)

Dear Friends
This morning I had the privilege of sitting on a bench at Black Sands in Aberdour, coffee in hand, looking out over the water to Edinburgh and the Pentlands.  The sun was shining and glistening on the water as the tide came in, and there was the relentless and restful sound of the waves lapping on the shore.  One of my favourite places and an absolute joy to sit in silence even for a few minutes on a Saturday morning. 
Over these last few weeks I, along with many others, have been joining Pete Greig on the Lectio 365 app on a pilgrimage from Iona to Lindisfarne in the footsteps of the Celtic saint, Aidan.  Along the way he describes the landscape, much of which is familiar, and I have been struck again by the incredible beauty of creation that surrounds us in our land. 
I know that in the busyness of life, with our heads down at work, at school, looking after family, dealing with finances, keeping up with social media or whatever it is that absorbs our days, it is so easy to miss the beauty that surrounds us, or indeed to simply take it for granted.  I realise we are all different, but for me I find that taking time out, looking out over hills or water, or even the lights of a city, is deeply restorative, and I know that even for my own mental health it is so important that I get out each day.
As we take the first steps into July, a month which, for many, is associated with holidays and a change of routine, I hope that you get time to enjoy those things that make you come alive.  For some this month will mean holiday, for some it will be no different from any other month and for some it might bring more stress and anxiety.  Regardless of what this month has in store for you I know that there is a place of rest and restoration which we are invited into each day, each moment, a rest for our souls in the presence of our God, and I pray this month that there will be moments for you of deep restoring peace, that you will have time to look up from the day to day responsibilities and distractions, and simply know that you are loved by your heavenly Father, to drink deeply from the well that never runs dry.
You are loved
Jon x

Jon Farrimond, 01/07/2023